Walking in Mobberley

Mobberley Residents, would you like to get out from your home and walk to the shops, pharmacy, vets hairdresser, doctor or the new community hub The Beacon? Do you feel unable to walk around the village because of age, infirmity or maybe a combination of both? Are there other reasons it is difficult to get out and walk around our lovely village. Would you like to be able to walk up to Town Lane and watch the Rose Queen, or the Half Marathon or the Tour de Britain? Or just walk out in the nice weather, watch the world go by and chat to passers by?

Mobberley Parish Council is looking at ways to enable more people to get out and about. Walking is a great way to stay healthy, independent and what’s more it’s free! For example how about more benches in and around Mobberley so you can sit down and watch the world go by whilst you catch your breath, then make your way back home?

It would be a big help if you could email :

please let me know 2 things

1. what makes it difficult for you to walk out to the shops etc?

2. what would make it easier for you to walk out and about?

many thanks Anne Holloway.




Three Year Plan