
This morning members of Knutsford Kite Explorer Scouts helped to put out our carpet of poppies at the feet of the Wooden Soldier at the front of the Victory Hall.

These are in memory of the fallen, who gave their lives so that we may live in peace. There are over a thousand poppies, hand made both knitted and crocheted by ladies in Mobberley. We used wool both donated, and bought with money donated by local businesses and the Parish Council.

You may see some purple poppies in amongst the red, these are in memory of the thousands of horses that were taken from farms and died on the battlefields. Indeed some were taken from farms in Mobberley. Dogs were also used on the battlefield especially to locate the injured for the medics. Birds such as carrier pigeons were also used and lost in the War.

So when you see the poppies, take a moment and reflect how lucky you are and say........


November Newsletter


Walking in Mobberley